Basic Turkey Stock
2277 days ago
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Wondering what to do with leftover turkey meat after your Thanksgiving feast? Make your first priority to save the turkey bones and use them to make a pot of flavorful stock.
Simmer the bones with some onions, carrots, celery and a dash of P.S. Flavor!™ Creole Kitchen and you’ll have a freezable, flavor-packed and lower sodium and fat base for gravies, soups, stews, and more.
The beauty of making stock is you don’t necessarily have to have uniform pieces of vegetables. So grab your Vegetable Knife and just rough chop the onions, celery and carrots.
Right after carving the turkey, bag up the carcass and parts into large re-sealable bags and refrigerate. When ready to make the stock, here’s everything you’ll need. Bonus: use your stock as the base for your Sweet Shallot Riesling Gravy.
- 4 quarts water
- 2 heads fresh garlic, cut in half
- 2 medium-size onions, chopped
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 2 carrots, chopped
- Mushroom trimmings
- Fresh thyme and parsley
- P.S. Flavor!™ Creole Kitchen, or kosher salt and ground black pepper, to taste
- Roasted necks and wing parts from turkey
- Pan drippings
- Other available vegetable trimmings
- Put water in a stock pot and place on stove at medium heat.
- Add all ingredients and any pan drippings.
- Simmer on low-medium heat while doing your holiday prep, adding any vegetable trimmings as you go. Skim the fat that rises to top as you go.
- Simmer stock down to 2½ quarts.
- You’ll use some stock for the stuffing and 2 quarts for the gravy.